Should Christian Stories Include “Magic Systems?” Pt. 1: Introduction and Definition

A quick skim of popular YA and adult fantasy novels, whether by secular or Christian authors, reveals a host of stories with magically powered characters. I think of The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan and The Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson in the secular field. Most YA fantasy stories by Christian authors include magic as well: Mary Weber’s Storm Siren trilogy, Kara Swanson’s Dust and Shadow, and Nadine Brandes’ Fawkes and Romanov, to name a few. As a casual observer of genre trends, especially in the case of YA books, I think it’s safe to say that magic-filled fantasy stories have definitely replaced dystopias.  Even before this trend began, I noticed many Christian writers plagued by how to handle magical powers in their stories. While some shun magic altogether, others restrict magic to witchcraft and sorcery, avoid those, and opt for writing “magic systems” that may more properly...